Wouldn't It Be Great To Have The Pounds Falling Off - And Staying Off - For Life ... So That You Can Feel Happy, Healthy & Free?
WATCH NOW: Quick Start Video: 3 Secrets To Being Slim for Life
Not Another Diet, Detox, or Fad...
Slim for Life™ works because we are working with the root cause of excess weight.
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Instead of £997 only £97!
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The Slim For Life™ Program includes:

✔️ Results Guaranteed When You Follow The Program!
✔️ Instant Access To The Entire Program Online
✔️ All 10 Slim for Life™ Hypnosis MP3 Audios
✔️ The Slim for Life™ Guidebook PDF
✔️ BONUS: Weight Release Goal Card
✔️ BONUS: Slim for Life™ Pedometer (mailed to you)
✔️ BONUS: "Notes To Self" Affirmation Card Deck (mailed to you)
✔️ BONUS: Clarity of Thought Hypnosis MP3 Audio
✔️ BONUS: Release Depression Hypnosis MP3 Audio
✔️ BONUS: Embrace Your Style Hypnosis MP3 Audio
✔️ BONUS: Sleep Well Hypnosis MP3 Audio
Did you know?

On average, Slim for Life™ participants report saving £25 per week and in some cases (where they have a partner) saving £50 per week. Families report saving £60-80 per week due to changes in their shopping patterns inspired by the program.
That means...

You can get your investment in the Slim for Life™ program back  within 1 week based on all the money you save!

Not to mention how much lighter, brighter and alive you'll feel.
Get Instant Access Now!

We want to make permanent health and weight loss as accessible as possible; that’s why we are offering the program at a very low investment!
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How It Works: Are You Ready To Free Yourself?
Hi there!

My name is Dr. Tina Heath, and I am the creator of 
Slim for Life™: 10 Steps to Permanent Weight Release through Hypnotherapy.

It doesn’t matter whether you're here to release a few extra pounds ... or make significant - even radical - changes ... you’re in the right place and I’m here to guide you to your personal goal.

I struggled with diets and maintaining a healthy lifestyle for many years, and my family and friends did as well.

There are so many "lucky" people who can eat whatever they want, when they want ... yet never put on weight. 

Unfortunately ... I am not one of them. And since you’re here, I’m guessing you haven’t been, either.
Hi there!

My name is Dr. Tina Heath, and I am the creator of 
Slim for Life™: 10 Steps to Permanent Weight Release through Hypnotherapy.

It doesn’t matter whether you're here to release a few extra pounds ... or make significant - even radical - changes ... you’re in the right place and I’m here to guide you to your personal goal.

I struggled with diets and maintaining a healthy lifestyle for many years, and my family and friends did as well.

There are so many "lucky" people who can eat whatever they want, when they want ... yet never put on weight. 

Unfortunately ... I am not one of them. And since you’re here, I’m guessing you haven’t been, either.
Diets and the necessary discipline used to be a constant companion for us, didn't they? And they brought with them  the failures and the bad feelings ... of failing again and again ... and not being able to live a healthy life easily.

On the flip side … have you, like me, been in “awe” of other people ... perhaps even wildly jealous of the type of people … who generally eat smaller portions of only healthy, nutritious food? People who can say ... “no thank you” to sides and seconds, rarely adding extra portions? .

.. and to top it off, they are entirely comfortable with putting food into the waste bin! They waste the food in the bin ... rather than putting the food on their waist!

Well, to solve this problem for myself, and the whole world ... I have developed Slim for Life™ and helped many people over many years in individual and group sessions - which were wonderful... 
But honestly, it’s been a bit challenging for many people to “schedule in” … because, let’s face it … we all lead busy lives.

The good news is, now ... it is time to provide this miraculous transformation to more people! 

Therefore I have developed the Slim for Life™ Online Training program to help more people around the world ... and quite frankly, to help YOU … whether you’re next door, or 10,000 kilometers away … to live a happy and healthy life and leave your struggles in the rear-view mirror.

In more than 90% of all cases, diets don't work ... and don't have long lasting results ... and that is an enormous risk for a happy and successful life.

It's time for something new. Something better. That works for life!
Weight Release... Now Automatic & Permanent!
Why "weight release" instead of "weight loss"?
Generally, if we “lose” something, we’ll likely go and look for it! If we release it, it’s gone forever. 

We do not want to go searching for the excess weight we’ve let go of! Therefore, weight "release" is a much more powerful language than weight "loss".

Does such a subtle shift in word choice matter? Yes, you'd be surprised! In fact, you will be -- delightfully surprised -- when you follow all of our recommendations.
Not another diet!
And not just another temporary solution.
Have you tried diet after diet?

Detox after detox?

Fast after fast?

Dieting is not a pleasurable way of life, nor is it a healthy way to live. Likewise, while an occasional detox or fast can be good for your body chemistry, it's not a way of life and can be very damaging to your health when done incorrectly or too frequently.

Rather than being another diet, detox or fast, the Slim for Life™ 10-Step hypnosis program has been created for people who are serious about losing weight, for life. It's NOT just a temporary weight reduction for a special event or vacation... it's designed to allow you to truly become a new, slimmer version of you.
Hypnotherapy? Does it really work?
Our sub-conscious mind is powerful beyond measure. The "programming" that exists inside our sub-conscious mind dictates the way we think, the way we feel, and the daily actions that we take. 

Our habits also exist inside our sub-conscious mind. If we are going to create a dramatic shift in our results, and particularly if we desire for the shift to be permanent, we must modify the program inside our sub-conscious mind, much like we'd upgrade a software program on our computer or an app on our smartphone.

Have you ever stopped and noticed what a "busy" place your mind is? There are so many thoughts surging through your mind every moment of every day, and in our environment around us at home, at work, at school and/or on the go, there are infinite sources of information that - quite frankly - overwhelm our mind.

When our mind is overwhelmed, it's like a clogged pipe: knowledge and wisdom that has the potential to upgrade our programming can't enter to be installed.

When you make the decision to do the Slim For Life™ program, you set aside small windows of time - just a few minutes each day - where you commit to quieting your mind and installing upgrades to your mindset by simply sitting back, relaxing, and listening to the guided hypnosis audio recordings.
With Slim for Life™: The shifts happen automatically!
It was easy and automatic to create bad habits, so why not good ones?

The Slim For Life™ audio hypnosis tracks work directly with your mindset, and the audio content enables you to develop the habits of naturally slim people, so that all kinds of habits and behaviors around food, metabolism, self-image, body confidence and self-worth change automatically. Truly automatically. It's easy! Yes, really!

It works and puts you on "auto-pilot" because the content is powerful, and because you will be consuming the information over and over again over a period of time. 

Consider how you acquired your current weight, habits, self-image, body confidence, and self-worth... it happened automatically! 

In just a few short weeks with the Slim For Life™ program, you will replace and upgrade what's not working for you with new awareness and habits that do, and the changes will begin to take place easily and automatically.
But you already "know" how to release weight. How will this help?
There are three aspects to your mind: The conscious, the sub-conscious, and the unconscious (or, some people prefer to call it the superconscious).

Inside your conscious mind, you have -- intellectually -- all the information you need already to release weight and keep it off. Yet, you haven't been! Why?

Success is not about what you know intellectually. Success is about what you do automatically. And your automatic behavior is driven by your sub-conscious mind.

This is a life-changing program with many highly beneficial aspects. As a small example, some foods and drinks that you used to think you liked, suddenly won’t taste as good! 

When food tastes good, and you require your willpower alone to prevent you from consuming it - you are quite likely to fall off the wagon and fail (honestly, you probably have - many times). However, when that food no longer has the emotional power it once did, it becomes easy to eat better foods, and all emotional suffering becomes non-existent.

The key is inside your sub-conscious mind, and hypnosis with Slim For Life™ allows you direct and automatic access to make the shifts.
How Will It Feel To "Be" The New You?
If you're serious about slimming...

If you're fed up with yo-yo dieting...

If you want to release a "significant" amount of weight...

If you're open-minded and ready to try hypnosis...

If you're starting to understand that your sub-conscious mind is 10,000 times more powerful than your willpower...

If you're ready to put your healthy lifestyle on autopilot...
Get Instant Access to Slim For Life™ Right Now!
What Is Slim For Life™?
Slim for Life™ is a 10-Step hypnosis program, delivered online. 

We’re currently achieving a 100% success rate (yes, truly! Not pulling your leg). 

The 10 Step program runs over 10 weeks. Each Step is a 30-40 minutes hypnosis session. 

Every week for 10 weeks, we will e-mail you access to each new step - and you will be listening to each step daily for one week at a time. 

It’s the cumulative effect of the listening that creates the great result (automatically). Each step builds on and reinforces the previous steps. 

It’s important to listen to each step daily for one week to enable your mind to implement the changes, taking you to that slim, healthy, happy body that you desire.

Just imagine ... all you need to do is give yourself a little bit of "me time" and the shifts you desire will take place! 

As you listen, you can relax on your couch, in an armchair or lie on your bed, or wherever you feel comfortable. When you follow our suggestions here, and inside the program, you’ll find the experience absolutely life-changing!

Remember, the results with your health and weight are a product of your automatic behaviors, your mindset, your self-image and your self-worth. Slim for Life™ helps you upgrade all of that automatically, and as a result, the weight will release easily and permanently.

The Slim for Life™ program is very rich and powerful. It covers so many different aspects of weight gain, eating and drinking habits, metabolism, self-image, body image, body confidence and -- most importantly -- influences your taste buds and sense of smell so that some foods and drinks you used to like, you realize you don’t really enjoy any more! 
Step-By-Step Overview
Step #1:
Less Desire
✔️ Stop eating foods which pile on the pounds. 

✔️ Enjoy less desire for fattening and unhealthy foods. 

Step #1 immediately goes to work to influence your sense of taste and smell causing you to dislike the foods and drinks which cause weight gain, and help you to crave those that will assist in breaking down the fats, boost metabolism, lead to a healthier, happier slimmer body. 
Step #2:
Stop Overeating
✔️ Clear mental blocks which cause weight gain. 

✔️ Enjoy smaller portions of healthy nutritious food. 

Use the power of your mind to slim your body. If you’re going to take the program I ask you to immediately begin eating half portions. No foods or drinks are taboo – this isn’t another diet. Serve yourself a half portion of everything. Even half a sandwich: put the other half in the fridge for later. 

If you’re hungry after you’ve eaten the half portion, it’s ok to go back for more, but through the support of the hypnosis you’ll soon become genuinely satisfied with a half portion. This then helps to develop pride, "well-done-you" factor!
Step #3:
Habit Control
✔️ Conquer cravings. 
✔️ Stop binging, snacking, grazing, picking, finishing up the leftovers, obsessing about foods, even thinking about food, especially when you're not even hungry! 

And of course breaks the habits you may know of – tea with a biscuit, coffee + cake, dinner & dessert, etc, etc.
Step #4:
Boost Metabolism – Eat Less, Burn More
✔️ Increase your capacity to burn fat. 
✔️ Improve the value of exercise – even walking. 
✔️ Feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. 
✔️ Crave moving your body more. 

The program also helps you to crave drinking water so with the metabolism boost here, Step #4 helps to break down the fat stored in the joints, maybe even puffy ankles, muscles, around the organs, as well as all the places noticed when we look in the mirror!   
Step #5:
A Slimmer You 
✔️ Visualization technique: See yourself slim. 
✔️ Feel thinner. 
✔️ Develop the thought processes and habits of a naturally slender and healthy person. 

Through the hypnosis you get to visualize yourself in that slim healthy body you desire, at the size and weight you’re aiming for. 

Therefore, because your subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between what’s imagined and what’s real, it thinks you’re already at your goal. It begins to believe that you’re already slim and healthy, consequently, it further adjusts your intake, metabolism, self image, to that of the slimmer person you’ve decided to become! 

Let’s face it, when we look in the mirror and say “Gosh you look fat in that.” That’s what we’ll get more of.
Step #6:
Hypno-Gastric Band 
✔️ Virtual surgery – gastric band surgery without actually going under the knife! Wonderful! 

Step #6 causes your mind to believe that your stomach is reduced to the size of a small ball. Consequently, you can only eat and drink what will fit into that small ball, which further adjusts your intake, metabolism and mindset.
Step #7:
Release Negative Emotions & Build Self Esteem
✔️ Stop emotional/comfort eating. 
✔️ Let go of the past. Forgive yourself and others. 
✔️ Improve feelings of self-worth. 
✔️ Recognize that you do deserve to be slim. 
✔️ Stop stress eating. 

In Step #7, we go through a kind of cleansing process that de-bugs you. Lets go of negative thoughts, feelings and emotions. Releases guilt (guilt for something we did, something we forgot to do, etc.). Releases blame, regret, all kinds of lower emotions. All of this impacts your ability to be healthy and release the weight!
Step #8:
Increase Motivation 
✔️ Encouragement and motivation to move ideas forward. 
✔️ Eliminate fear of failure. 
✔️ Recognize that all your worthwhile goals are achievable. 

Step #8 does what it says! It quickens the Slim for Life™ process, and gives you a kind of ‘second wind’ like athletes get... 

"C’mon, keep going, you can do it!"
Step #9:
Gain Confidence
✔️ Relieve feelings of self-consciousness. 
✔️ Improve self-confidence, body confidence and self-belief. ✔️ Release the feelings of self-consciousness gained through being overweight. 

For example, you'll stop saying things like, "I can’t wear such and such because I’m too fat." 

Step #9 helps you improve self-confidence generally, but most importantly, body confidence and the belief that you do deserve to be slim and healthy for life!
Step #10:
Enjoy Food! 
✔️ Stop criticizing yourself. 
✔️ Stop worrying about what others think. 
✔️ Simply enjoy your mind/body makeover and new healthy lifestyle more than you ever thought possible. 

You can eat what you want AND release all excess weight! Yes, most likely more than you ever thought possible. 

However, as the result of this life-changing program, you no longer want to eat junk. You eat what you fancy and in vastly smaller portions!
Frequently Asked Questions
Does it work?

Currently, participants report achieving a 100% success rate. Researchers at Slim for Life™ have found that hypnosis for the mindset is the only real way to achieve an easily sustainable result.

It works because we are working with the root cause of excess weight, instead of merely the symptoms, or temporary behavioral changes.
How much does the program cost, and how do I pay?

This life-changing program represents a sound investment in yourself, your health and well-being, and your future.

On average, participants report saving £25 per week and in some cases (where they have a partner) saving £50 per week, and with a family £60-80 per week due to shopping differently. The savings come from, for example, from buying food in smaller quantities, not buying crisps, cakes, sweets, snacks, junk food (not even walking down those supermarket aisles!), ordering vastly fewer takeaways, and becoming more aware of waste!

The program is truly an investment in yourself, and a more appropriate question is, "how much does it cost me NOT to do this program?"

The pricing options can be found on this page (above, in the Order section), and you can submit your secure payment online via credit card, debit card, etc.
Is the program tried and tested?

Absolutely! Slim for Life™ is based on 3 decades of helping people achieve permanent weight loss. Based on the weekly weight-release classes that Dr. Tina ran for many years, she has included all the best bits that lead to participant success – many of whom are unrecognizable today due to their complete change in body shape, posture, style and new-found confidence!  
Will this work for me? I’ve tried every diet you can think of, and even had gastric surgery but nothing has worked.

Diets only involve deprivation which doesn't sit right with the psyche of human beings - we crave abundance in every aspect of our lives.

The only real way to release excess weight is, as Dr. Tina says in the Slim for Life™ program, to change not only what we eat, but what we think about what we eat. To eat consciously and be aware of portion sizes. To release old habits. To boost metabolism and burn the excess faster. To improve our self-image to recognize that we deserve to be slim and healthy. To release negative thoughts, feelings and emotions that have in the past held us back, and improve body confidence and self-belief. These are only small examples of the reasons why Slim For Life™ will work for you when you fully embrace the program!
I’m skeptical. What if it doesn’t work?

"There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results." - Ken Blanchard

For the vast majority of people, Slim For Life™ will work extremely well – we encourage you to stay motivated, persevere and follow our guidance. However, of course the most important question is, "Are you serious about releasing excess weight?" If the answer is “Yes!” the program is for you.

Many people are not truly serious; instead, it's their friends or family who think they should release the weight and live a healthier lifestyle... in these cases no diet, or hypnosis, or any other type of program is going to work! The choice must come from inside of you.

Slim for Life™ is highly recommended by people -- and for people -- who are serious about slimming, releasing all excess weight, and keeping the weight off – for life!
Is there a money back guarantee?

We do not offer a money back guarantee, therefore, no refund requests are accepted. 


Firstly, we know Slim For Life™ works for everyone who strictly follows the instructions.

Secondly, we've found that, as a human being (all of whom are subject to self-sabotage), when we have an easy way out of a commitment, we generally may attempt to take it! 

When you invest in the program by making a committed decision both financially as well as mentally, your likelihood of results dramatically increases.

We are not in business for business' sake. We are in business to transform lives. And that requires a complete commitment from you as well as us!
What about excess skin?

Everyone is different. Most people, through the visualization technique included in the hypnotherapeutic process, experience much less excess skin than with the yoyo of dieting.
How much weight can the program help me lose?

It really doesn’t matter the size of your personal weight-release goal. What matters more, is your intention to release excess weight for Life! 

Half a stone or 20+ stones - it doesn’t matter. Currently the average person participating in Slim for Life™ is releasing 8 stones. Whatever your personal goal, we are proud of you ALL.
How does it work?

Slim for Life™ is based on developing the habits and behaviors of "naturally slim people"... those people who seem to be able to eat anything they want, when they want, yet never put on weight.

Have you noticed that they can say, “no thanks” to huge portions, sides and seconds? Slim For Life™ doesn't just treat the symptoms of excess weight - it goes straight to the cause: your mindset and programming!

Plus... Slim for Life™ encompasses a lot more than habits around what we eat and drink. That's certainly a contributing factor, but to achieve long-term success in this area, we must adjust our portion sizes, metabolism, energy levels, body confidence, self-image and a whole lot more. Being slim for life goes much deeper than the more superficial fads and routines that most other solutions offer.

You will thoroughly enjoy working directly with your mindset inside the Slim for Life™ program!
I did the Hypno-Band before and it didn’t work. How is this different?

In our experience, Hypno-Gastric Band on its own is simply not enough. Equally, for most with physical surgery, that also may not be enough. 

For example, if you're a chocoholic beforehand, you're still going to be a chocoholic afterwards. If you have a sweet-tooth, or a penchant for carbs, it’ll still be there afterwards, unless you begin to first erase the core of the issue. 

Hence our Step #1: Less Desire works to help you to have less desire for the foods which pile on the pounds.

If you have a specific concern, why not drop us a line – we’ll be happy to explain more! 
How and why did you get started?

Dr. Tina went into this line of work due to an intense desire to help people in pain – both mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. She says, "I'm so blessed, as it is interesting, rewarding and terrific fun!"

Dr. Tina also has her own story. 20+ years ago, she was just under 20 stones in weight and at only 5’2” tall, you can imagine her roly-poly shape. Through compiling this program, helping others to release weight, and adopting the very principles she speaks of in this program, she has easily maintained a steady size 10-12 for over two decades.

Again, when you address the root of the "problem" - you can be Slim For Life™.
Does Hypnotherapy work for everyone?

The answer is "Yes!", Hypnotherapy can work for anyone. However, it cannot ‘make’ you do something you don’t want, or are not ready for. 

First, you must make the decision that you “Want to be slim for life.” As soon as you’ve made that decision, the program will be absorbed into your subconscious mind and will set to work to create the changes you’ve decided upon and take you as speedily as possible to your goal.

The change begins with a simple decision - but you must be inspired to make that decision; no one can do it for you. Allow it to come from within, and then witness the "magic"!
I’ve already lost quite a bit of weight but want to lose more. Can this help?

Firstly, congratulations! And YES - most certainly it can. 

Slim for Life™ will support you in sustaining the weight you’ve already released, as well as releasing more, to reach the target goal you’ve decided upon - and stay there.
I feel like I’ve been on and off diets most of my life and nothing works for long. How is this different?

Slim for Life™ is perfect for people with a significant weight and size goal in mind. Rather than being yet another diet, the 10-Step hypnosis program changes the mindset to develop the habits of naturally slim people so that all kinds of habits and behaviors around food, metabolism, self image and self-worth change. As an example, some foods and drinks that you used to think you liked, suddenly don’t taste as good!

When you look in the mirror you begin to praise yourself for making progress rather than criticizing, complaining and demeaning your self-worth. You begin to feel more confident, healthier, more energized -- and happier and lighter in all ways.

What you'll experience inside the Slim For Life™ program is unquestionably very different from anything else you've attempted in the past.
Is weight loss guaranteed?

We guarantee that Slim for Life™ will change your life, if you follow our suggestions and advice and are willing to follow through, all of which has been created entirely for your benefit and well-being.
What happens if I don’t lose any weight?

It’s ALL about you. If you’re serious about releasing weight, for life, there’s every reason to trust that you will achieve your goal. However, if you’re experiencing a struggle, it is possible that there could be a deep-rooted issue around deservability. Drop us a line - we’re here to help you to overcome any challenge.
Is there a limit on how much weight I can lose?

In theory, no. In practice, be realistic. Throughout the Slim for Life™ program, your subconscious mind will be searching for a way to allow it to happen for you, to achieve a slim, healthy body, for life. 

For example, you might say, “When I was 18 years old I was a Size 6.” That’s wonderful, but 3 children and 3 decades later - is that going to look good and be healthy and sustainable for you? Possibly not! Your subconscious will guide you to a naturally healthy weight, shape and size that's good for you now.
Why do you phrase it “weight-release” instead of “weight loss”?

Generally, if we “lose” something, we’ll likely go and look for it. If we release it, it’s gone forever. 

We do not want to go searching for the excess weight we’ve let go of! Therefore, weight "release" is a much more powerful language than weight "loss".
Meet Your New Friend, Hypnotherapist, Cheerleader and Weight Release Mentor
Hello, I'm Dr. Tina Heath at Slim for Life™, and Hypnotherapy1 - Healthcare for Your Mind. 

Currently based in England, though I work with clients worldwide, I have 35+ years experience studying and working in the field of Mental Science, helping people to release excess weight and keep it off, for Life, as well as achieving life-changing results in many other areas of life - overcoming mental, emotional and physical health issues. 

I feel truly blessed to work in this field of well-being. Being the catalyst for people wanting to improve their lives, to feel a sense of release, emotional freedom, joy and unconditional love for themselves and those they care about, is interesting, rewarding and fun and it’s ALL about You!

I believe anyone can change - become healthier and happier, if they ‘want’ to. And if you ‘want’ to create changes in your life, I am here for you.

I think my clients would say that I’m easy to talk to, kind, non-judgmental, fun and dedicated to adding value wherever possible to help others reach their full potential.

I’m thankful to have been trained by the very best in the business, past and present, and despite my years’ experience I still study my field and work with leading mentors every day, to improve my skill set further, and bring the very latest mind-mastery techniques to my clients.

Over the years many people have told me “Oh, if only I can lose weight, I’ll be happy” without realizing that it’s actually the other way around... How we feel matters, and when we understand that we create our lives with our thoughts, and when we feel better about ourselves, respond to situations rather than react, we naturally become happier, healthier, slimmer, and release the old habits, thoughts, feelings and behaviors that used to hold us back from the healthy, happy body and life we desire.

I’m here for you and I can help you, if you are willing to make the decision for yourself that you deserve to feel better!
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